Monday 15 April 2024

School Admissions: Which primary/ secondary school will my child attend?

School Admissions:

Which primary/ secondary school will my child attend?

Education is a devolved matter, meaning overall policy and regulations are set by each individual country. School admissions timelines and processes vary in different areas of the UK. Some processes are centrally administered and other local to the area within which you live. The UK Government website has information and guidance on school admissions with links to support those who have applied for school places in each of the four countries.

Children starting primary or secondary school for the first time in September 2024 will receive confirmation of the school allocated to them by the authority they applied to. In England and Wales this is often referred to as National Offer Day.

Children with a statutory plan of Special Educational Needs such as an EHCP will have a school named in the plan for the child to attend. The following dates and processes do not apply. Please seek alternative advice in this circumstance.

How you will be informed of the school your child has been allocated for the new academic year will differ based upon where you live.

To read the entire document, please click here