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Friday 7 June 2024

Historical Weekend: Battle of Waterloo June 22nd and 23rd, Relive the events of June 18th, 1815

Historical Weekend

To commemorate the occasion, the Waterloo Battlefield Estate 1815 and Napoleon’s Last Headquarters are organising the annual Historical Weekend on the site of the Battle Of Waterloo on June 22 and 23.

Over the weekend, thousands of re-enactors will wear period uniforms on the battlefield which will take place on Saturday evening and Sunday morning at Hougoumont Farm

Fierce combat between French and allied troops will unfold there.

This event is loved by children and adults every year and again will be full of animations and numerous activities at the Waterloo Battlefield Estate 1815 site, as well as at Napoleon’s Last Headquarters.

Historical Weekend

To commemorate the occasion, the Waterloo Battlefield Estate 1815 and Napoleon’s Last Headquarters are organising the annual Historical Weekend on the site of the Battle Of Waterloo this Saturday and Sunday.

Over the weekend, thousands of re-enactors will wear period uniforms on the battlefield which will take place on Saturday evening and Sunday morning at Hougoumont Farm. Fierce combat between French and allied troops will unfold there.

This event is loved by children and adults every year and again will be full of animations and numerous activities at the Waterloo Battlefield Estate 1815 site, as well as at Napoleon’s Last Headquarters.


Bivouac opening

June 22nd: 10:00am - 5:30pm

June 23rd: 12:30pm - 5:00pm

Re-enactment show

June 22nd: 6:00pm

June 23rd: 10:30am

For more Information;