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Wednesday 15 May 2024

Town Hall Q and A, Thursday 6th June at 13.30hrs


The next UK Community Town Hall is scheduled for Thursday 6 Jun 1330 – 1500 in the SHAPE Chapel and is open to military, civilians, and family members. If you have any questions that you would like to ask please email in order to ensure appropriate responses are provided and speakers are relevant to current concerns.
The community Town Hall is provided to update the UK community on initiatives, challenges, and opportunities available across SHAPE and the local community. It also provides a forum to discuss areas of concern, make observations and to discuss challenges for working and living in Belgium and amongst an international community.
Please note that this is additional to the NMR led Town Hall (26 Jun) which focuses on a military update which includes policy and UK military matters.
I would encourage your participation in both events and stress the importance of interaction to ensure that we can look at improving the offer for both ourselves and future UK personnel posted to SHAPE.
Group Captain Ian Hough - SNR