Thursday 16 November 2023

Sports activities and lessons are back at Cuesmes pool

Sports activities and lessons are back at Cuesmes pool 
Trials for swim lessons also start in November. With 4 groups adapted to all levels (Cheetah, Frog, Turtle and Dolphin), swimming lessons start in January. 
There are still spaces available.
The sporting activities proposed by the Cuesmes pool will begin in part the week of November 13 at the price of 5 euros:
Cuesmes Pool is 15 mins drive from SHAPE
Mardi : 18h30 - 19h15 : aquagym
Friday: 12h - 12:45: aquagym seniors (+ 50 years old)
Saturday: 14:15 - 15h: aquafitness
Sunday: 10h - 10:45h: aquagym
No reservation needed at this time.
For more information, you can contact the pool staff at 065/56.20.51