Thursday 28 January 2021

FiMT And Research Exploring Longer-Term Employment Outcomes For Ex-SP

Call for families to take part in research exploring longer-term employment outcomes for ex-Service personnel. Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT) has commissioned QinetiQ, Warwick Institute for Employment Research (IER) and RFEA: 

The Forces Employment Charity, to undertake a study to explore the longer-term employment outcomes for ex-Service personnel who have been out of the Armed Forces for at least two years (and a maximum of 10 years).

Call to action

* They are looking for spouses/partners of ex-Service (Regular serving) personnel to take part in a telephone interview.

* During the interview they will be asked questions about their spouse / partner’s experience of finding and maintaining work after leaving the Armed Forces and the impact of transitioning on the family.

* The interview will take no longer than 60 minutes and will be conducted over the phone at a time/date that suits you.

For more information: