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Wednesday 11 March 2020


SHAPE Sponsors are entitled to tax-free purchases of reasonable quantities of listed items.
When a SHAPE Sponsor has carried out his purchases, he should insure to get a "Facture"/ invoice from the vendor, exclusively on the name and address in Belgium of the SHAPE Sponsor, vendor's name, address and TVA number and the breakdown of the amount spent (including TVA amount).

Then completes two original copies of the VAT form 151 ( boxes 1, 3 and 5). He dates and signs the request.

Box 4 of the form 151 is to be signed by his NMR or by the HR Civilian Branch.

Box 5 of the form 151 CAN only contain one invoice number ---> ONE FORM 151 = ONE INVOICE

The SHAPE Sponsor submit the VAT form to the VAT office (building 210 - room 103) who will affix the necessary seals in box 6.

A duly sealed copy of form 151 will then be given to the SHAPE Sponsor in order to get the restitution of the tax from the salesman.

For each visit to the VAT office, no more than 3 forms 151 will be signed at once.

Please, print the document SHAPE Form 151 double-sided before entering data and handing it to the V.A.T. office. Please note, that you need to hand over a completed 151 doc. in the Home country language (Language where you need to be Refunded)