Did you know? A balanced diet is the key to your little one’s growth, energy, and brainpower! ππ₯¦π
- Protein helps them grow strong.
- Fruits and veggies fuel their immune system.
- Whole grains keep their energy levels up!
Do you ever find it hard to choose what you’re having for dinner?
Break it down into 4 steps to ensure your family is getting everything they need from their food.
#HealthyEating #Toddlers #ParentingTips
- Choose a starchy carbohydrate (bread, pasta, pitta, rice, potatoes, wraps)
- Choose a lean protein (chicken, chickpeas, eggs, fish, milk, yogurt, lentils)
- Choose at least 2 different fruit or vegetables to offer on the family plate. Make it as colourful as possible!
- Accessorise with flavours! Experiment with fresh and dried herbs, flavourings such as garlic and ginger, grate some cheese!
#HealthyEating #Toddlers #ParentingTips